Join Kris for an Erotic Salon, Hosted Monthly!
Erotic Salon: a safe space to discuss our sacred sexual selves within a community of like minded Souls.
Topics will vary by month.
Erotic Salon
We welcome you to a safe space to discuss our sacred sexual selves within a community of like-minded Souls.
Do you seek a supportive, nurturing, safe space to discuss Healthy sexuality?
Are you feeling challenged in your own sexual relationships and looking for community to participate in a shared conversation?
Are you sex-positive and longing for Community?
Come join us!
Erotic Salons are…
• A way to connect with other human beings as a community and a collective
• A resource that helps you to feel alive in a shared context
• A collaborative inquiry into healthy sexuality, and culture

Explore your sacred sexual self in a safe community.
Monthly gatherings taking place now: pay now to participate.
Find out more information on the Fireside newsletter.